The Elder Scrolls VI Is Skipping PlayStation

If it wasn’t apparent already, The Elder Scrolls VI is kind of confirmed to be an Xbox console unique. Some hoped that it might be among the many “case-by-case foundation” video games that might arrive on different platforms.

As noticed by Stephen Totilo on Twitter, a particular picture from the FTC court docket case has spotlighted a number of video games from Bethesda-affiliated studios for the reason that ZeniMax acquisition. Key takeaways from the doc included the dearth of a PlayStation title since final yr’s Ghostwire: Tokyo and a supposed launch yr — 2026.

Bethesda’s long-awaited follow-up to Skyrim was, after all, going to be Xbox unique. Just about anybody who learn between the strains of the ZeniMax acquisition may’ve informed you that, however it doesn’t make the information any much less disheartening, because it’s one more occasion of this “case-by-case foundation” probably not present.

What do you suppose? Are you dissatisfied or did you already count on this? Tell us under!

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